Sydney Hospitality Staff Agency
Workplace Health & Safety Policies and Procedures
and Workers Compensation
The safety and welfare of all workers is a priority with Alseasons, and we urge all our clients to make it their priority. The following page details Alseasons' Workplace Health & Safety House Policy for all workers. If you do not have an in-house WH&S policy, please display and make use of ours.
When making a booking for staff we will require details of the job description which, based on your advice, will be the extent and range of the work to be performed. Staff allocated to each assignment will be selected according to this criteria and they may have no experience in other areas.
Responsibilities of the employer - the end user
It is the role of the employer, end user or host client, who controls the workplace and workpractices to ensure that hazards associated with the worker's job have been identified, the risk assessed and controlled.
Hierarchy of risk control
Eliminate the risk
Reduce risk by redesign
Isolate the worker from the risk
Protect the worker by providing personal protective equipment
Train workers to avoid the risk
Supervise all workers
Before engaging a worker the work area must be checked for risks and all equipment to be used must be in good working order. Workers must be questioned in relationship to their understanding of the equipment and the work to be performed. If unfamiliar with any equipment, a worker must be trained and supervised at all times. Should protective uniforms be required, this must be provided by the client, ie, mesh gloves when operating a slicing machine.
To reduce the risk of an accident all workers must be given an induction to the work environment and work detail.
Labour hire agency and payroll service providers do not exercise direct control over workplaces where their workers work. To satisfy the Worker's Compensation Board, labour hire agencies are required to have end-users (clients) confirm in writing that they provide and maintain a safe workplace and that they will provide all necessary training and supervision according to the Health &B Safety rules.

Workers Compensation
To qualify for cover under Alseasons' worker's compensation insurance:
You must report any accident to Alseasons immediately by telephone and fax a copy of your accident report including any medical reports to Alseasons within 24 hours.
Your account with Alseasons must be operated within Alseasons' published trading terms.
Return to work
Where a worker is able to perform light duties until they can return to normal work duties, you, as the end-user at the time of the accident, may be requested by the Workcare Authority to provide such work.
The above information is for all end-user or host-employers who use labour hire agency staff in NSW.
Alseasons uses the RCSA 'Managing Health & Safety Guidelines' for employers, end-users and workers.
For more information on hospitality staffing please call 9324 4644 or email
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