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Security and Privacy Policy and Statement


Your privacy is important to Alseasons and we will ensure that we take all the necessary measures to protect the information we collect from applicants, clients, suppliers and employees.


We manage personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles. 


We only collect information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities and/or functions.


We may decline to collect and/or accept unsolicited and or solicited information from/or about you and take steps to purge it from our systems.


By submitting personal information to us and/or any other associated entity of Alseasons you agree to our use of your personal information as described herein. Your use of our websites, APPS and eRoster owned and operated by or on behalf of Alseasons is subject to this Privacy Policy. It is advisable not to use our Electronic Interface if you don’t agree to our Privacy Policy.   


The personal and sensitive information we will collect.



Formatted in résumé style, or online application details, which will include and not be limited to contact details, work experience, references details and qualifications. Where and when born. TFN and bank account details  (for payment purposes) ID and residency status (to comply with the Department of Immigration). We check that the information is current, accurate and complete. This will sometimes mean that we have to cross check the information that we collect from you with third parties. Sometimes we may require your information to be updated and cross check once again with third parties.


Sensitive information

Including but not limited to health information, criminal records, trade association or membership of a trade union. Sensitive information will only be disclosed with your consent.


Collection of information by way of:

Electronic (email) or hard copy application forms and/or résumés by email, fax, post, in person, via current or previous employers, government agencies, clients, competency tests, health practitioners, and where we deem fit.


The purpose of collecting information

So we can perform our business activities and functions and to provide the best possible quality of service to you. To comply with any law or regulation and/or in cooperation with any government authority. 

Holding and storage of information

Safeguarding information is paramount to Alseasons and information about you or that affects you will be stored on our database, however some documentation will be paper stored. Information will only be stored to conform to government laws and regulations. Some documents and data base information may be destroyed when we consider the information is no longer required or needed. Electronically stored documents are safeguarded by passwords, paper documents are securely stored. Alseasons operates a “Clean Desk” approach so no paper documents are left on desks.  Paper documents are destroyed by shredding. 


Disclosure of Information

We may disclose your personal information to: our consultants in the office, clients, to administer, authorised government and legal departments and agencies. 


Changing and accessing your details

You can access personal information we hold about you at anytime by contacting us. Where we hold information that you are entitled to access, we will try to provide you with a suitable means of accessing the information within 7 (seven) working days. 

Should you require changes to be made about information about yourself, we may require written evidence to comply with your instructions and/or government and legal agencies.

If we cannot accommodate your requirement due to interference with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentially or law, will we not be required to grant you access.

Evaluative opinion material obtained confidentially in the course of our performing reference checks. And access that would impact on the privacy rights of other people. In many cases evaluative material contained in references that we will collect under obligations of confidentially that the person who gave us that information is entitled to expect will be observed. We do refuse access if it would breach confidentially. 


We may change this policy from time to time and all personal information held by us will be governed by the most recent version of our Privacy Policy and amendments will appear on our webpage and notifications by newsletter and or emails.


Information by Direct Marketing

• All contractors, workers and staff will receive by Electronic (email) or hard copy information on Industry news and updates,         marketing information on Alseasons and general newsletters. Until you close your file by contacting Alseasons and requesting that no   further information and or marketing material is required, you then abide by our agreement to accept the above information.

• Photo images of you can be used by our marketing department unless you inform Alseasons in writing that you do not want your    

  photo used in any Alseasons publication and that you will not pose or stand or be present in any photo shots, otherwise you agree  

  that the above all photos taken by Alseasons  will become the property of Alseasons and used at their discretion.




• If you have a request for information that is currently held by, or a complaint regarding information held by Alseasons, please

  address the query in writing.

• When we receive the information we will take steps to confirm the authenticity of the complaint and the contact details provided to us

  to ensure that we are responding to you or to a person whom you have authorised to receive information about your complaint.

• Upon confirmation we will write to you to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that we are handling your complaint in accordance

  with our policy.

• We may ask for further clarification of the complaint and ask for further details

• We will consider the complaint and may make inquiries of people who can assist us to establish what happened and why.

• If we believe that your complaint may be capable of some other solution we will suggest that solution to you, on a confidential and

  without prejudice basis in our response.


Contact details

The Director

Alseasons Hospitality Staff Pty Ltd

Level 6 / 225 Clarence Street

Sydney NSW 2000




Further information can be obtained through:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner





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