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Amendment to Alseasons’ Policies and Procedures



How the virus spreads

The coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is largely transmitted through respiratory droplets from coughing and

sneezing, and it seems to spread easily. It may also be possible to become infected by touching a contaminated

surface or object and then touching one’s nose or mouth.


How to protect our employees and client from exposure

New staff applications, cannot be engaged if they are returning from overseas or a person they know has been

overseas within 14 days.


Current Staff that have been on leave overseas must wait 14 days before being reemployed.


Staff showing symptoms of any cold or virus must go to a Medical Centre or a hospital and obtain a fit for

work, until such time we request that they stay at home.


Staff or applicants who have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive must self-isolate for

14 days as per the recommendations of the Department of Health and inform Alseasons immediately. Staff

and applicants who have undergone testing for Covid-19 and are awaiting results must inform Alseasons

immediately and must self isolate until results are confirmed. Staff that have tested negative or have

recovered from Covid-19 must provide a letter from their Doctor, clearing them to return to their normal



All staff will be reminded weekly by email and through their eRoster of their commitment to personal hygiene

and the importance of following our client’s instructions.


Workplace Health and Safety

Employers have a duty to provide and maintain a safe workplace. During this time businesses should review

the workplace to ensure that it is, to the extent that is possible, free from risk and that arrangements are

considered and put in place to assist workers, and respond to any incident, should the need arise.


Businesses should consider health and safety procedures to prevent employees from contracting the virus and

ensure that all staff are aware of the requirements in this regard. Employer work health and safety obligations

may extend to measures ranging from mandatory quarantine of employees in the event of travel to infected

areas, for example, by requiring employees to work from home, to providing alternative locations of work and

ensuring the availability of P2/N95 face masks or equivalent PPE.


One particular factor to consider is ensuring employees have access to adequate facilities for washing hands

with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub, with such being a precautionary measure recommended by

the DOH to protect against infections.


Employers however should also bear in mind disability discrimination laws and take care not to discriminate

against employees on the basis of actual or imputed diseases or infections. Alseasons will continue to monitor the situation guided by relevant authorities.


The Australian Government is providing regular updates about the virus on their website

Alseasons Human Resources Department will continue to update both staff and clients.


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